Some learn Roundspeak by applying the text in their own meeting. Others learn best by practicing with their team, in a training. If you have someone as example, you get a feel of the process and how it works.

You can do such a training. A setup of a training is based on what I learned works best: learning in your own meetings. A training is doing your own meetings, but in the way of Roundspeak. It doesn’t require your team extra time, you get effective meetings, good decisions and you learn what your team specifically needs.

These are the steps:

  1. I prepare the meeting with the team leader.
  2. One session of learning the basics, with me leading by example.
  3. One session of going deeper, getting more explanation and experience.
  4. One session when you do it yourself, with guidance.

If more sessions are needed, I come again, for free. We both get the guarantee: that you succeed in having good meetings.

There are requests for other kinds of trainings too. I am working on this.




‘I have learned much from you. Watched what you did and how you did it. You don’t say much, but if you say something, it is accurate and to the point.’

‘That you stay in the background is something. As a trainer you can be quickly too busy with active training.’

‘Nothing than satisfaction.’

Team of Montessori College, Nijmegen


‘Thanks to your concern and involvement it worked.’

Ingrid van der Neut, rector Herman Jordon College, Zeist


‘We wouldn’t have come so far as a team with what you offered us this day.’

Kurt Montgomery, school leader Spark Academy, Poznan



At the moment, I train teams of the Haags Montessori Lyceum in The Hague

and at the Drenthe College in the North of the Netherlands.